Suprisingly, this year State Nomination allocation is different with the Federal Budget issued in Mar 2022. More suprisingly, allocation for subclass 190 (Permanent Residence) visa is more than for subclass 491 in most States.
Most strikingly, VIC has 9000 slots for subclass 190 which is 3.75 times compared with 491 slots. NSW remains the State which has the largest share with 7160 and 4870 slots for 190 and 491, which is slightly higher than VIC.
WA has become the third winner with 5350 and 2790 slots for 190 and 491, which is almost double compared to QLD - the State which ranks the 3rd in term of Economy. SA holds the 4th largest share of allocation with 2700 for 190 and 3180 for 491.
NT and ACT together with SA are consistent with their previous budget migration planning which prefer 491 over 190.
It is dissapointed to see TAS's allocation is relatively small while the Federal migration planning is double compared to last year. The State has only 2000 slot for 190 and 1350 for 491. The total nomination for TAS is not much different with the previous year.
In conclusion, this year Migration Planning has been double for skilled visa. While NSW and VIC show a significant increase in the number of allocations, fans of WA are the winner. WA last year had less than 2000 slots for both 190 and 491, but this year the State has been allocated total of more than 8140 slots with 5350 for 190 and 2790 for 491.